
This guide covers the basics of good typography , explaining theories behind font choices, and certain details of creating legible, and good looking text. Once you go through this style guide you will know some of the DO's and DON'T's to web typography, from the absurd to the unseemly. This blog even covers some CSS so stick around and you might learn something.

Control of the Web Browsing Environment

In the beginning the web was mainly used by the techy people and programmers who didn’t really care what typeface they were reading. Design didn’t matter much as long as the work was done. Once the internet was open to the consumer things changed drastically. People began to care what typeface was used and what font size everything was in but there was no way of utilizing all the changes until CSS. When CSS came along things started to get a major upgrade presentation-wise. There weren’t very many selections to presentation in the beginning but as CSS became more advanced and the bugs were worked out of the system there are now too many options for typography. More so than many designers know what to do with or even are able to remember. This style guide should help clear up many of these problems and help bring the important aspects of web typography to the surface.